Autor: Gurakuç Kuçi - Istraživač

Gurakuç Kuçi je doktor međunarodnih odnosa i istorije diplomatije na Univerzitetu u Tetovi u Severnoj Makedoniji, magistrirao je međunarodnu politiku i diplomirao političke nauke na Univerzitetu u Prištini „Hasan Priština“, takođe kao još jedan diplomirani novinar novinarstva na istoj instituciji. Istraživač je na Institutu za studije hibridnog ratovanja „HOTOBNICA“ i ima iskustva u radu sa nevladinim organizacijama i novinarstvom. Kuçi ima nekoliko naučnih publikacija u međunarodnim časopisima.

Abstract: This paper examines three cases of espionage arrests in Kosovo, involving two Serbian individuals and two Albanians linked to the Serbian Information and Security Agency (BIA). The aim of these spies was to discredit the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), alter the narrative of the Reçak massacre, create a “yellow house” similar to the one in northern Albania, and destabilize the state of Kosovo by inciting interethnic conflicts. Through the analysis of specific cases and motivation theories, this paper sheds light on the reasons why individuals engage in espionage against their own country, Serbia’s efforts to manipulate the history and…

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Institut za proučavanje hibridnog ratovanja “Hobotnica” pripremio je nedeljni sažetak akcija Srbije koje prete Kosovu i regionu Zapadnog Balkana. Ovaj izveštaj ne obuhvata najnovije incidente u vezi sa hapšenjem špijuna BIA na severu Kosova i u Uroševcu, ali Institut Octopus priprema posebne izveštaje o ovim i drugim temama. Vojska Srbije izvela je značajnu obuku sa pripadnicima lovačko-bombarderske eskadrile iz sastava 98. vazduhoplovne brigade na vojnom aerodromu „Morava” kod Kraljeva, koristeći jurišne avione „Orao”. Obuka je bila usmjerena na pružanje zračne podrške kopnenim i specijalnim snagama u borbenim dejstvima. Odbrana Srbije…

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Abstract Electoral processes are gaining increasing importance on the geopolitical stage, becoming a major force in shaping politics and international relations. Observing elections in countries such as the USA, Germany, and Italy, confirms that ideological changes within political parties are significantly impacting geopolitical dynamics (i.e., electoral politics as a form of geopolitics). These changes are evident in the use of electoral processes by autocratic regimes such as Russia and Serbia to influence fragile democracies, including North Macedonia and Montenegro. The hybrid warfare strategies of these regimes aim to influence the outcome of elections and manipulate political structures in their favor.…

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Dr. Gurakuç Kuçi Ključne tačke: Ključni zaključci: Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić je zapretio Zapadu da mora da bira između Kosova i Srbije. On je dalje nastavio da će Srbija, ako izaberu Kosovo, „sačekati najbolji mogući trenutak i iskoristiće priliku“. Vučić je ove pretnje pojačao na osnovu toga što će Kosovo podržati Zapad za članstvo u Savetu Evrope (SE) i NATO. U čestitki Putinu za pobedu na izborima u Rusiji, Vučić mu se žali na „tešku političku situaciju u kojoj je srpski narod...

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Dr. Gurakuç Kuçi“OCTOPUS” Abstract: Serbia aims its returnment or the achievement of the Serbian World (Greater Serbia) in Montenegro through the model of Bosnia with federalism, the model of North Macedonia – like the Albanians, the third model is Kosovo – an association of municipalities with a Serbian majority, the fourth model is the possibility of a referendum where partial or complete union with Serbia can be requested from Montenegro and the fifth possibility is the change of favorable geopolitical circumstances leading to full scale invasion. These conclusions on the paper are based on a historical, geopolitical analysis, Serbian…

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Dr. Gurakuç Kuçi“OCTOPUS” Electoral elections are no longer merely democratic undertakings organized to guide socio-economic development. They now also hold geostrategic and geopolitical importance, becoming a significant part of hybrid warfare strategies. Following Montenegro, we now observe this trend in North Macedonia, where even German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has intervened, presenting a Western stance that extends beyond his personal preference. Electoral processes have evolved from internal socio-political and economic matters to a major force in shaping politics and geopolitics. Elections in the USA from 2016 to today, followed by those in Germany, Italy, and other European countries, show that…

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Dr. Gurakuç Kuçi“OCTOPUS” The recent population census in Montenegro could bring serious harm to this country. The non-publication of full results on issues such as ethnicity, language, and religion raises suspicions that the activities of Serbia and Russia have managed to disrupt the ethnic balance by artificially increasing the Serbian ethnicity through encouraging Montenegrins to declare themselves as Serbs. This issue is part of a strong cause of restoring Russian and Serbian influence in this country, which offers access to warm waters, namely the Adriatic Sea. The recent census, apart from the irregularities during its conduct, also faced a…

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