
This paper examines three cases of espionage arrests in Kosovo, involving two Serbian individuals and two Albanians linked to the Serbian Information and Security Agency (BIA). The aim of these spies was to discredit the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), alter the narrative of the Reçak massacre, create a “yellow house” similar to the one in northern Albania, and destabilize the state of Kosovo by inciting interethnic conflicts. Through the analysis of specific cases and motivation theories, this paper sheds light on the reasons why individuals engage in espionage against their own country, Serbia’s efforts to manipulate the history and stability of the region and the tendencies to invade Kosovo.

Nyckelord: spionage, BIA, AKI, KLA, gula huset, Serbien, interetniska konflikter, NATO.

1. Inledning

The Kosovo Intelligence Agency (KIA), in cooperation with other security entities, has successfully uncovered and apprehended four spies connected to the Serbian Security Intelligence Agency (BIA). The arrests included two Serbian national and two ethnic Albanians, who were detained in two separate cases.

The primary objectives of the two ethnic Albanian individuals linked to BIA were to damage the reputation of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), discredit the Reçak massacre, provoke interethnic conflicts, and sully NATO’s intervention in Kosovo. In 2009, three individuals connected to BIA were captured in Kosovo. Later, another individual was identified as a member of a group aiming to fabricate and compensate false witnesses concerning the alleged case of organ trafficking by the KLA. Surprisingly, this individual held official positions within the state apparatus of Kosovo.

Serbia has consistently engaged in espionage activities against Kosovo, and the recent revelations are just a small part of its operations. It has recently been uncovered that Russia, through Serbian agents, has also influenced politicians and institutions of the European Union. Therefore, these actions are well-planned and strategically targeted. To uncover the objectives of this country, we have engaged in studying recent cases and a 2009 espionage case, including the theoretical framework.

This study employs a qualitative research approach, analyzing specific cases of espionage arrests and investigative materials obtained from open sources. By combining the analysis of open sources, regional circumstances, and Serbia’s approach against Kosovo, the study aims to understand the motives and strategic goals of individuals involved in espionage. Theories of motivation, psychological and social factors are used to interpret the behaviors and decisions of the spies.

The research question of the paper is: “What are the main reasons and motivations that lead individuals to engage in espionage against their country, and how does this affect Serbia’s efforts to manipulate the history and stability of Kosovo?”

Den beroende variabeln i uppsatsen är: "Serbiens strategiska mål mot Kosovo genom spionage".

2.   Reasons Why People Engage in Espionage against Their Country

2.1. Teorier om motivation

  • Teorin om rationella val: Denna teori innebär att individer fattar beslut utifrån sina personliga intressen (Scott, 2000). När det gäller spionage kan en person välja att arbeta för ett annat land om han eller hon anser att fördelarna, till exempel ekonomisk vinning eller personlig utveckling, uppväger riskerna och de potentiella konsekvenserna.
  • Teori om socialt utbyte: Denna teori säger att individer engagerar sig i beteenden baserat på de belöningar och kostnader som är förknippade med dessa beteenden (Cropanzano & Mitchell, 2005). I fallet med spionage kan en individ väga de potentiella fördelarna (t.ex. ekonomisk vinning, personlig tillfredsställelse) mot kostnaderna (t.ex. rättsliga konsekvenser, social utfrysning) och besluta att fördelarna överväger kostnaderna.
  • Psykologiska faktorer: Psykologiska faktorer som maktbegär, en känsla av lojalitet mot ett annat land eller ett behov av spänning och äventyr kan också motivera individer att ägna sig åt spionage (Wilder, 2017).

2.2. Ytterligare faktorer

  • Personliga omständigheter: Personer som står inför ekonomiska svårigheter, personliga kriser eller andra utmaningar kan vara mer mottagliga för löften om ekonomiska vinster eller andra fördelar som erbjuds av en utländsk regering.
  • Lojalitet och identitet: Individer som känner sig avskilda från sitt land eller har en stark känsla av lojalitet mot ett annat land kan vara mer benägna att ägna sig åt spionage.
  • Möjlighet och lätthet: Tillgången till möjligheter och enkel tillgång till känslig information kan också påverka en individs beslut att ägna sig åt spionage.
  • Kulturella och sociala faktorer: Kulturella och sociala faktorer som brist på nationell stolthet, begreppet postkolonial image eller önskan att vara en del av en större gemenskap kan också bidra till en individs beslut att ägna sig åt spionage.
  • Hjärntvätt och manipulering: I vissa fall kan personer tvingas eller manipuleras till att ägna sig åt spionage genom psykologisk manipulation, utpressning eller andra former av tvång.

3. Två identiteter, en spion

Since 2002, a Serbian spy, Marko Knezhevic, is suspected to have operated in Kosovo under the pseudonym “Drugi Crni”, posing as a journalist for “TV Most” based in Zvecan. On May 30, 2024, the Kosovo Police arrested Knezhevic following an investigation and discovery by the Kosovo Intelligence Agency. The arrest occurred due to Knezhevic’s use of dual identities, as his Serbian and Kosovar passports did not match (Teve, 2024).

Foto 1: Marko Knezhević, arresterad som BIA-spion, var verksam i Kosovo under täckmantel av att vara journalist på TV MOST

This arrest sheds light on Serbia’s clandestine operations in Kosovo, highlighting the ongoing efforts of the Serbian country to undermine regional stability. Knezhevic’s involvement with “TV Most” highlights the strategic use of media to disseminate propaganda and manipulate public opinion. Posing as a journalist, he was able to gather intelligence and spread disinformation, serving Serbia’s interests and likely organizing and aiding terrorist groups such as the “Northern Brigades” and “Bridge Guards”. Knezhevic was a close associate who reported to Aleksandar Vulin, current Deputy Prime Minister in the Serbian government, former Minister of Internal Affairs, and former director of BIA.

The presence of advanced technological devices in Knezhevic’s possession suggests that Serbia has heavily invested in sophisticated surveillance and espionage tools. This underscores the country’s commitment to covert operations designed to compromise Kosovo’s security and sovereignty. Furthermore, Knezhevic’s dual identities in Kosovo and Serbian passports raise questions about the extent of Serbia’s infiltration into Kosovo’s social and institutional life.

This discovery has significant implications for regional security, suggesting that Serbia has been able to penetrate Kosovo’s structures and gather sensitive information.

4.   KIA uncovers two “Good Albanians” serving Serbia to distort the history of war

Kosovo Intelligence Agency (AKI), efter en utredning och insamling av komprometterande uppgifter,

Foto 2: Bedri Shabani, arresterad som BIA-spion

has testified before the Supreme Court of Kosovo, engaging in legal actions leading to the arrest of two individuals, Bedri Shabani and Muharrem Qerimi, on charges of collaboration with the Serbian Information and Security Agency (BIA). Evidence gathered by KIA indicates that these individuals were actively undermining Kosovo, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), and the historical narrative of Kosovo’s war.

Bedri Shabani, en tidigare tulltjänsteman under Slobodan Milosevics regim på 1990-talet, och Muharrem Qerimi, en tidigare tjänsteman vid Kosovos polis fram till efter Kosovos självständighetsförklaring, som avskedades från denna institution på grund av missbruk av ett konfiskerat fordon, befanns ha ömsesidiga kontakter inom BIA, särskilt med Serdjan Rosic, en serb från Ferizaj. Den senare är ett bekant namn från Bogolub Janicevics vittnesmål i Haag. Det primära målet för dessa fångar var att manipulera bevis och orkestrera vittnen mot UCK.

Foto 3: Beviset där Serdjan Rosic nämns

Bedri Shabani, a former customs officer during Slobodan Milosevic’s regime in the 1990s, and Muharrem Qerimi, a former official of the Kosovo Police until after Kosovo’s independence declaration, who was dismissed from this institution due to misuse of a confiscated vehicle, were found to have mutual contacts within BIA, specifically with Serdjan Rosic, a Serbian from Ferizaj. The latter is a familiar name from Bogolub Janicevic’s testimony in The Hague. The primary goal of these detainees was to manipulate evidence and orchestrate witnesses against the KLA.

Bedri Shabani, in particular, has been actively involved in Serbia’s efforts to distort the history of the Reçak massacre. Serbia has continuously promoted its narrative that the Reçak massacre was staged by the KLA and the international community. The main objective of this historical revisionism is to undermine NATO’s intervention in Kosovo, prompted by the Reçak massacre and William Walker’s response. NATO’s intervention in Kosovo was a response to the genocide perpetrated by the Serbian state against Albanians in Kosovo under Slobodan Milosevic’s leadership.

According to current information, Bedri Shabani played a significant role in this disinformation campaign. He attempted to create a replica of the “yellow house” similar to the one in northern Albania, fabricating a narrative that the KLA engaged in human organ trafficking. Shabani’s strategic aim was to link the former KLA military hospital in the village of Mollopolc, Shtime, with the Reçak massacre, as these two villages are geographically close.

Muharrem Qerimi har konsekvent framställt sig själv som agent för den brittiska underrättelsetjänsten. (T7, 2024)

4.1.         Discovery of Serbia’s Efforts to Distort Kosovo’s History

The recent arrest of Bedri Shabani and Muharrem Qerimi by the Kosovo Intelligence Agency (KIA) has shed light on Serbia’s ongoing efforts to distort Kosovo’s history and undermine its stability. These two individuals, suspected of working for the Serbian Information and Security Agency (BIA), were found to be actively involved in spreading disinformation and manipulating public opinion against Kosovo.

4.2. Background and Motivations

Shabani and Qerimi’s activities date back to the 1990s when they were employed in Serbian institutions, a time when Albanians were excluded from institutions and public life in former Yugoslavia. Shabani worked in Serbia’s regime as a customs officer and after the war primarily lived outside Kosovo, while Qerimi was dismissed from the Kosovo Police for misuse of a seized vehicle and later engaged in the real estate sector, presenting himself as someone powerful working for KIA or another intelligence service.

4.3. Mål och metoder

The primary goal of Shabani and Qerimi was to distort the history of the Reçak massacre, a key event in the Kosovo War. Serbia has continuously sought to impose its narrative that the massacre was staged by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and the international community. Particularly, Shabani has been involved in this campaign, attempting to fabricate a “yellow house” similar to where the KLA is accused of trafficking human organs. His aim was the strategic alignment of the location and connection between the facility and the massacre with the former KLA military hospital in the village of Mollopolc, near Reçak.

4.4. Kontakter och verksamhet

Shabani och Qerimi hade kontakter med BIA både fysiskt och genom andra kanaler via Serdjan Rosic. Nyligen hade de försökt organisera en etnisk incident i Kosovo liknande dem som ägde rum på 1980- och 1990-talen eller under efterkrigstiden. Detta tyder på att de var en del av ett större nätverk som syftade till att destabilisera regionen.

Foto 4: Srdjan Rosic, den serbiska BIA-agenten

Implikationer och konsekvenser

Gripandet av Shabani och Qerimi har betydande konsekvenser för säkerheten och stabiliteten i Kosovo. Deras verksamhet var utformad för att skada staten Kosovo och undergräva dess internationella rykte. Dessutom belyser deras illvilliga plan mot William Walker, en nyckelperson i det internationella samfundet, omfattningen av Serbiens ansträngningar att manipulera och skrämmas.

4.5. Avslag från BIA

Gripandet av Bedri Shabani och Muharrem Qerimi är en skarp påminnelse om Serbiens pågående ansträngningar att förvränga Kosovos historia och underminera dess stabilitet. AKI:s utredning har avslöjat ett komplext nätverk av desinformation och manipulation som syftar till att skada Kosovo och dess internationella rykte. Den serbiska BIA:s förnekande av all kommunikation eller samarbete med de två arresterade individerna (САОПШТЕЊЕ 05.06.2024. Безбедно-информативна Агенција, n.d.) är en tydlig indikation på deras engagemang i dessa aktiviteter och deras panik över exponeringen och motexponeringen av serbiska avsikter. Det internationella samfundet måste förbli vaksamt och fortsätta att stödja Kosovo i dess ansträngningar att motverka Serbiens destabiliserande aktiviteter.

5.   Discovery of interceptions: Conspiracy for ethnical destabilization in Kosovo

In a published telephone interception by GeoPost, a conversation between Bedri Shabani and Serdjan Rosic reveals several key details, despite certain parts being censored. The conversation, though brief in its public release, provides us with significant insights:

  • Samtalet ägde rum en dag efter händelsen i Banjska, vilket bekräftas av referenser till händelser från föregående dag.
  • Det finns en tydlig diskussion om att uppvigla till etniska incidenter, att nämna andra som förvärrar situationen, medan de lägger bränsle på att förvärra den.
  • Shabani frågar Rosic om framstegen med "filmerna", vilket innebär förberedelser för olika frågor mot Kosovo.
  • Shabani expresses concerns among his friends, suggesting there is a supportive group around him.
  • Han söker godkännande från Rosic för att väcka något eller låta det "sova".
  • Rosic försäkrar honom om att han kommer att förmedla alla hans önskemål och ord.
  • Samtalet ägde rum från Gracanica, eftersom Shabani nämner att han stannade där för att diskutera innan han fortsatte resan till Pristina.
  • Shabani har misstänkta kontakter med många människor och nämner att han inte registrerar telefonnummer men kommer ihåg dem (TheGeoPost, 2024).

GeoPost has also published a second interception of Bedri Shabani with Sedjan Rosic, where we obtain further new information:

  • It is confirmed from the conversation that they physically met a few days before the interception in the city of Nis, Serbia on 17.05.2023.
  • The phone call has happened on 23.05.2023, where it is learned that Rosic has professional connections with “another colleague”, Bogoljub Janicijevic, who in 1999 was the head of the so-called “Secretariat of Internal Affairs” for Ferizaj.
  • Under samtalet framkommer att Shabani samma dag som mötet med BIA i Nis hade överlämnat tre texter. Ljudet är censurerat och det är okänt vilka dessa texter är!
  • Angående detta hade Shabani frågat: "Har du haft en chans att se dem tidigare?" varpå Rosic svarade med "nej" (The GeoPost, 2024).

5.1. Analys av samtalet

This telephone interception presents a clear and present danger to the internal stability of Kosovo. The discussion on ethnical incidents and preparations against Kosovo suggests a coordinated strategy for destabilization. The involvement of a supportive group around Shabani, who are concerned, indicates he has a wide network of collaborators who may be engaged in subversive activities.

Rosics försäkran om att förmedla Shabanis önskemål tyder på ett nära och effektivt samarbete mellan dem, vilket tyder på att dessa aktiviteter är välorganiserade och planerade. Det faktum att samtalet ägde rum i Gracanica, ett etniskt känsligt område, och omnämnandet av resan mot Pristina väcker farhågor om spridningen av deras inflytande i hela regionen.

The second interception reveals well-coordinated coordination and a detailed plan for destabilizing Kosovo. Physical meetings, professional connections with important Serbian security figures, and involvement of intelligence services suggest a significant risk to regional stability. These activities are meticulously planned and organized, demanding special attention from Kosovar and international authorities to prevent any further escalation of the situation.

5.2. Serbiens vedergällning

In response to the arrest of BIA spies in Kosovo, Serbia appears to be employing a strategy of equivalence by arresting an individual from Leposavic, alleging that he betrayed his own people for 500 euros (Alo, 2024). Additionally, Serbia is fabricating other false information and disseminating it through pro-Vucic media outlets (Novosti, 2024).

6. Shpend och Muharrem Qerimi: Två bröders mörka förflutna

Muharrem Qerimi, som greps av Kosovos polis på åklagarens order efter AKI:s avslöjande om att han var BIA-agent, avslöjar att han och en av hans bröder har haft ett förflutet i konflikt med lagen. Muharrem Qerimi tjänstgjorde inom Kosovos polis som utredare av grova brott fram till efter Kosovos självständighetsförklaring, men på grund av missbruk av sin officiella ställning avskedades han från polisen.

Muharrem Qerimi’s brother, Shpend Qerimi, is in prison for an explosion at the Sekiraca nightclub many years ago and has been sentenced by the court to 25 years of imprisonment (IndeksOnline, 2024).

Denna rapport bygger uteslutande på bekräftade källor, inte påstådda.

7. Tidigare serbisk polisman, BIA-spion

Bild 5: Den kooperativa strukturen i spionage
Bild 5: Den kooperativa strukturen i spionage

En tidigare medlem av Kosovos polis från den serbiska befolkningsgruppen har senast gripits av Kosovos polis på order av Kosovos särskilda åklagare. Aleksandar Vlajic avslöjades, efter en flera månader lång utredning av Kosovos underrättelsetjänst, vara i tjänst hos serbiska BIA (Dukagjini, 2024). Enligt åklagarens tillkännagivande skedde gripandet på kvällen den 26 juni 2024 (Dukagjini, 2024). Enligt uppgifter från OCTOPUS-institutet hade Vlajic, förutom informationsutbyte med Serbiens BIA, även ett stort nätverk av informationskällor (Musliu, 2024). Vlajics spionnätverk sträckte sig till:

  • Kosovos tullmyndighet,
  • Serbiska icke-statliga organisationer,
  • OSSE och UNMIK i norra Kosovo,
  • vissa internationella organisationer i Pristina, och
  • Th e media in Gracanica (Musliu, 2024b).

8. Tre BIA-spioner: Arresterade av PK, frisläppta av EULEX, Branislav Nikolic m.fl.

Tre serber, varav två var serbiska medborgare och en från Kosovo, arresterades av Kosovos polis 2009 av Direktoratet mot organiserad brottslighet i en operation som genomfördes i Caglavica, Pristina. Igor Jucinac, Milutin Radanovic och Predrag Zheljkovic ertappades med att köpa vittnen som var villiga att vittna mot UCK i det påstådda organhandelsfallet i det "gula huset" i norra Albanien, där UCK anklagades för att bedriva handel med mänskliga organ.

According to interceptions and testimonies, they paid up to 100,000 euros to buy a witness who would falsely testify against the KLA. RTK had brought exclusive footage showing how these individuals were attempting to buy witnesses (RTK, 2020).

At that time, EULEX, utilizing its guaranteed competencies, took over the case from Kosovo Police and Courts, then released them to defend themselves in freedom, but the individuals had fled Kosovo and never returned.

Hur de släpptes är fortfarande ett mysterium, varför åklagaren släppte dem när de var anklagade för allvarliga brott.

Igor Jocinac later apparently tried to return to Kosovo, but now as a healthcare worker, as he was found in the payroll list of the hospital in Sterpce, which was not functional but where 21 people were paid (Insider, 2019).

Branislav Nikolic’s involvement in this campaign against the KLA was also revealed. The latter is the brother of Bratislav Nikolic, who was mayor of Sterpce.

Bratislav Nikolic became mayor of Sterpce in 2009 with the Independent Liberal Party led by Slobodan Petrovic. In 2010, there was an attack on Nikolic’s house in Sterpce (B92, 2010). After the creation of the Serbian List with the Brussels Agreement, Nikolic moved to this political entity and in September 2015, Nikolic announced that about 3,000 citizens of Sterpce joined the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) of Aleksandar Vucic and the Serbian List, saying that the then Prime Minister of Serbia and SNS President, Aleksandar Vucic, “deals with specific problems of citizens, had difficult Brussels negotiations and secured the formation of the Serbian Community of Municipalities” (Spalovic, 2015).

Tydligen hade Bratislav påverkat sin bror Branislav att avancera till olika befattningar i Kosovo. Branislav utsågs till styrelseledamot i Kosovo Post Office genom ett beslut 2012 (Insider, 2019). Han utsågs sedan 2016 till rådgivare till Kosovos tidigare president Hashim Thaci, men avskedades i juni 2019 efter mindre än fyra års arbete, efter avslöjanden om att han var en del av BIA (Voa, 2019).

Branislav Nikolic, som kandiderade som suppleant för den serbiska listan till Kosovos församling, lyckades 2019 bli suppleant på laglig väg utan att någon domstol hade beslutat om han var skyldig eller oskyldig (Koha, 2019).

9. Slutsatser

Fallet den 24 september 2023, då Serbien genomförde en terroristattack i norra Kosovo i syfte att återföra området under kontroll av terroristgrupper ledda av Radojicic och sedan förklara det som en autonom zon, visar att spektrumet av engagemang i dessa aktioner är omfattande och mycket större än bara Banjska-fallet.

With the revelation of interceptions involving Bedri Shabani and Srdjan Rosic, we discover that Serbia’s ambitions extend beyond just taking northern Kosovo; they aim to encompass the entire northeastern part of Kosovo. Therefore, it is no coincidence that they have established 48 military bases along the entire border with Kosovo.

Foto 6: Serbiska militärbaser vid gränsen till Kosovo

Serbia has not relinquished its claim over all of Kosovo’s territory, and in its ambitions, the ideal achievement would be the reconquest of Kosovo as a whole. However, realistically, they aim at least for northeastern Kosovo and possibly to annex the rest to Albania as a diminished territory. Hence, we can expect escalations of conflicts like those of Banjska or ethnic conflicts in other parts of Kosovo, as evidenced by Serbia’s goals heard in interceptions involving Shabani and Rosic.

Därför är det ingen tillfällighet att vi också har uttalandet från Serbiens president Aleksandar Vucic om att de kommer att invänta förändringar i de geopolitiska omständigheterna när det gäller Kosovofrågan. De väntar alltså på att globala konflikter ska trappas upp och att styrkeförhållandena och de globala intressena ska förändras.

För att uppnå dessa strategiska planer krävs dock strategiska åtgärder genom hybridkrigföring, och dessa medel används på flera nivåer av Serbien.

The case of Dick Marty, the drafter of the document alleging crimes by the KLA involving human organ trafficking in the “yellow house” in northern Albania, adds a new dimension to this complex situation. In 2020, Marty faced serious death threats from Serbian BIA, according to Swiss security authorities (SwissInfo, 2024). Although the BIA denied the assassination attempt on Marty (Vasques, 2022), as it denied its connections to the spies arrested in Kosovo, Marty continued to be protected by Swiss security forces, and his exits were under strict security, ultimately leading to his death in December 2023. Serbia’s aim in this assassination was to blame Albanians for Marty’s murder and thus further falsify facts about staged crimes for organ trafficking. Marty himself acknowledged the existence of this plan (SwissInfo, 2024).

This case illustrates that Serbia is willing to sacrifice anyone to achieve its objectives against Kosovo. In addition to Dick Marty’s case, we have their malign intentions towards William Walker, their readiness to sacrifice Serbs to stir up ethnic conflict in Kosovo, and the embezzlement of Serbian people’s money to create false propaganda through hybrid warfare.

Efter att ha granskat de händelser som presenteras i dokumentet står det klart att Serbien har flera viktiga mål i sin strategiska agenda:

  1. Reformulating the narrative of the Reçak Massacre: Serbia seeks to rewrite the historical cause of the Reçak Massacre, presenting it as an act committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), thereby absolving itself of responsibility.
    1. Discrediting NATO’s humanitarian intervention: Serbia aims to undermine NATO’s intervention legitimacy after the Reçak Massacre and other massacres, presenting it as a conspiracy against Serbia and questioning its justification.
    1. Delegitimizing Kosovo’s independence: By leaving aside the ICJ decision, Serbia seeks to undermine Kosovo’s legitimacy, arguing that international law has been violated.
    1. Viktimisering och historisk revisionism: Serbien försöker framställa sin befolkning som offer för tidigare folkmord, i synnerhet nazisternas folkmord och kroatiska Ustases aktioner mot serber. Genom att betona dessa historiska händelser försöker Serbien skapa internationell sympati och stöd för sitt agerande i regionen.

Thus, Serbia’s short-term and medium-term goals are designed to discredit and weaken the actions of Western powers, including NATO’s 1999 humanitarian intervention against Serbian military actions aimed at stopping genocide in Kosovo. This manipulation of the narrative aims to construct an alternative international history that aligns with Serbia’s interests, with encouragement from Russia and China to sully the actions of the USA, NATO, and Western countries worldwide and to strengthen the BRICS group.

While we have mentioned the long-term goals at the beginning of the conclusions. Serbia with the discovery of spies appears to be severely shaken due to the fact that it is revealed about their terrorist goals like in the Banjska case last year

10. Referens:

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