Перегляд: Огляд процесу публікації

Review Publishing Process for OCTOPUS Journal

Submission of Manuscript

  • Authors must submit their manuscripts electronically via the official email address: iskhoctopusjournal@octopusinstitute.org.
  • Submissions should adhere to the specified file format (MS Word or similar) and include all necessary elements as outlined in the guidelines.

Initial Manuscript Check

  • Upon receipt, the editorial office will check the manuscript to ensure it complies with the journal’s formatting and submission guidelines.
  • Manuscripts that do not meet the required standards will be returned to the authors for correction.

Ethics and Conflict of Interest Declaration

  • Authors must complete and submit the EASE Ethics Checklist and disclose any conflicts of interest. This is essential for ensuring transparency and integrity in the publication process.

Peer Review Process

  • The OCTOPUS Journal follows a rigorous double-blind peer review process:
  • Manuscripts are anonymized, and identifying information about the authors is removed to maintain the confidentiality of both authors and reviewers.
  • The manuscript is then sent to at least two expert reviewers in the relevant field who evaluate the quality, validity, and significance of the research.
  • Reviewers provide detailed feedback and recommendations regarding the manuscript’s suitability for publication.

Reviewers’ Feedback

  • Based on the reviewers’ comments, the editorial board decides whether to accept, reject, or request revisions to the manuscript.
  • If revisions are required, the authors are given a specified period to address the reviewers’ comments and resubmit the revised manuscript.

Revised Manuscript Evaluation

  • The revised manuscript is re-evaluated by the original reviewers to ensure that all concerns and suggestions have been adequately addressed.
  • Further rounds of revision may be necessary if the reviewers identify additional issues.

Final Decision

  • After the peer review process and any necessary revisions, the editorial board makes the final decision on the manuscript’s acceptance.
  • Authors are notified of the decision and provided with any final editorial comments.

Proofreading and Typesetting

  • Accepted manuscripts undergo a final round of proofreading and typesetting to ensure accuracy and adherence to the journal’s style guidelines.


  • The final, proofread version of the manuscript is published in the “OCTOPUS Journal” and made available online.
  • Authors are informed of the publication date and provided with a link to their published article.


  • Authors are encouraged to promote their work through professional networks and social media.

Key Considerations

  • Timeliness: The response regarding the publication of the paper may take up to 30 days. Authors will be notified if there are any delays beyond this period.
  • Publication Fees: Currently, the “OCTOPUS Journal” does not charge a fee for the review and publication of scientific papers.
  • Copyright and Licensing: Published works are protected under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).