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Author Guidelines for Publishing in the “OCTOPUS Journal”

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Welcome to the “Octopus Journal” published by the Institute for Hybrid Warfare Studies “Octopus”. This guide provides orientation for authors on preparing and submitting papers for publication according to scientific standards.

Scientific papers and other articles submitted for publication must strictly adhere to this author guideline. This guideline is built based on the European Association of Science Editors (EASE) Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be published in English.

The submitted scientific papers and other articles will undergo double-blind review; thus, to adhere to this rule, authors must submit their works by filling out the form that can be downloaded from the official EASE website for author contributions and other interests. Only the first page needs to be filled in this document.

Authors must also complete the ethics form, which is a standard form from EASE. The EASE Ethics Checklist for Authors (to be signed by the corresponding author) is intended for use by authors submitting to scientific journals during or immediately after the submission of manuscripts to make official declarations of research ethical integrity and information on any issues that should be provided to editors.

Please follow these guidelines carefully to ensure that your submission is suitable and compliant with our journal standards.


Types of Papers

The “Octopus Journal” accepts the following types of papers:


  • Original research articles (3000-8000 words)
  • Article reviews (1000-1200 words)
  • Case studies (1500-2000 words)
  • Policy analyses (1500-2000 words)
  • Book reviews (1500-2000 words)


Papers and articles in the journal are published continuously in English (the paper may also be submitted in Albanian).


Submission Process

Authors must submit their manuscripts electronically via the official email address Ensure your submission adheres to the specified file format and includes all necessary elements.


The response regarding the publication of the paper may take up to 30 days. If this period is exceeded, the submitting party will be notified of the reasons for such delay. Note: The paper cannot be submitted for publication in any other journal while it is under process at Octopus Journal. Any contrary action will penalize the scientific work and the author(s) for future publications.


Manuscript Preparation


Title and Abstract

  • The title should be concise, accurately reflecting the study’s content, and avoiding jargon.
  • The abstract should provide a clear summary of the objectives, scientific methods, results, and conclusions of the study. The abstract should not exceed 150-200 words.



  • Include a list of 5 to 7 keywords that represent your paper.



  • Clearly state the research problem and its importance.
  • Provide a brief overview of the relevant literature.


Materials and Methods

  • Describe the research methods, data sources, and data collection procedures.
  • Specify the analytical methods and statistical techniques used (if applicable).



  • Present findings logically using tables and figures where appropriate.
  • Avoid duplicating information already presented in tables or figures.



  • Interpret the results and relate them to the research question.
  • Discuss the implications of the findings and their importance in the context of existing literature.



  • Summarize the main findings and their implications concisely.



  • Use APA (American Psychological Association) style for citing and listing references.
  • Double-check the accuracy of all references.


Ethical Considerations

  • Authors must adhere to ethical research practices, including proper citation and avoiding plagiarism as explained earlier in this guideline.
  • Any potential ethical concerns must be addressed in the paper.


Conflict of Interest

  • Authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships that could be perceived as influencing the research, as required at the beginning of this guideline.
  • Any potential ethical concerns should be addressed in the paper.


Peer Review Process

  • The “Octopus Journal” follows a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and validity of published articles.
  • All papers will undergo double-blind review by peers who are experts in the respective field.
  • Papers and various articles must be submitted according to the given instructions above.


Publication Fees

  • The “Octopus Journal” does currently not charge a fee for the review and publication of scientific papers.


Copyright and Licensing


 Contribution of Authors

Authorship should be attributed only to those who have made significant contributions to the study. Contributions may include:

  • Conceptualization and design of the study
  • Methodology development
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Writing the paper
  • Critical revision of the intellectual content


Authors must declare their specific contributions to the paper.



For any questions, contact the editorial office at the email:


 Appendixes (Optional)

  • Papers are allowed to have appendixes not foreseen in this guideline but adhere to the scientific approach.


 Technical Issues

  • The font must be “Times New Roman”.
  • The main title should be in font size 16, bold.
  • Author names should not be included in the paper or article.
  • Chapter titles should be in font size 14, bold; subtitles 13, bold; and any smaller designation than subtitles should use font size 12, bold.
  • The text should be in font size 12.
  • Line spacing should be 1.5.
  • The text should be justified.
  • All titles, subtitles, and other designations should be presented in the form of a table of contents at the beginning of the paper.
  • Every title, subtitle, or smaller designation should be presented with a numbering list.
  • Tables should use Times New Roman font size 10 and have the table number along with the description in Times New Roman italic font size 10.
  • Figures should also have the figure number and description in Times New Roman italic font size 10.
  • Photos and any graphics should have the title and number explaining the content.
  • References should be placed at the end of the paper in font size 10, 1.0 line spacing.
  • After the review and acceptance of the paper, the author should place a passport-sized photo of themselves at the end of the paper along with a biography of a maximum of 100 characters.


Please ensure your manuscript complies with these guidelines before submitting it for review.

Thank you for considering the “Octopus Journal” for publication of your scientific paper or other works that are provided in this guide.