Ethical Rules

Ethical Rules

  1. Author’s Responsibility:

Authors are responsible for the originality and authorship of their manuscripts. They must adhere to the ethical principles and rules of scientific honesty as outlined by the European Association of Scientific Editors (EASE) in their guidelines:

  1. Changes to Authorship:

Authors must notify the journal immediately if there are any changes to the authorship of a manuscript, such as the addition or removal of authors or changes to the order of authorship. All authors must approve any changes and the corresponding author must provide a valid reason for the change.

  1. Responsibility of Reviewers:

Reviewers are responsible for providing fair, constructive, and timely reviews of manuscripts. They must maintain the confidentiality of the review process and not use the information in the manuscript for their own benefit. Reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from reviewing manuscripts where there is a potential conflict.

  1. Plagiarism Policy:

The journal has a strict policy against plagiarism. Manuscripts that are found to contain plagiarized content will be rejected immediately, and the authors may be banned from submitting to the journal in the future. The journal reserves the right to report cases of plagiarism to the authors’ institutions or funding agencies.