



North Macedonia , hybrid war, elections, geopolitics, Russia, Ser, cybersecurity


Electoral processes are gaining increasing importance on the geopolitical stage, becoming a major force in shaping politics and international relations. Observing elections in countries such as the USA, Germany, and Italy, confirms that ideological changes within political parties are significantly impacting geopolitical dynamics (i.e., electoral politics as a form of geopolitics). These changes are evident in the use of electoral processes by autocratic regimes such as Russia and Serbia to influence fragile democracies, including North Macedonia and Montenegro. The hybrid warfare strategies of these regimes aim to influence the outcome of elections and manipulate political structures in their favor. In the Western Balkans, these interventions pose challenges for the integrity of these countries. In this paper, we described, explained, analyzed, and assessed the influence of Russia and Serbia in North Macedonia and the potential consequences, including the presidential and parliamentary elections in this year. This analysis underscores the importance of understanding the dynamics of electoral politics, including socio- economic development, ethnic tensions, and long-term solutions for the stability and continued development of the country in a changed international scene.

Author Biography

  • Dr. Gurakuç Kuçi, Institute for Hybrid Warfare Studies "OCTOPUS"

    Gurakuç Kuçi is a doctor of international relations and the history of diplomacy at the University of Tetova in North Macedonia, he has completed a master’s degree in International Politics and a bachelor’s degree in Political Science at the University of Pristina “Hasan Prishtina”, as well as another bachelor’s degree in Journalism at the same institution. He is a researcher at the Institute for Hybrid Warfare Studies “OCTOPUS” and has experience working with non-governmental organizations and journalism. Kuçi has several scientific publications in international journals.


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How to Cite

Kuçi, G. (2024). HYBRID WARFARE AND THE IMPORTANCE OF ELECTIONS IN GEOPOLITICS: NORTH MACEDONIA AS A PART OF THE WEST OR RETURNING TO THE SPHERE OF RUSSIA AND SERBIA. Octopus Journal: Hybrid Warfare & Strategic Conflicts, 2, 25. https://doi.org/10.69921/89mxkh20
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